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Colorful Cylinder
may 15, 22 June 5, 12
life room

“A Path Home” is an 8-hour course to enhance your experience of Unity and membership at Unity of New
Braunfels. This quick and easy journey will explore the Unity teachings, as well as your familiarity with our
spiritual community and resources for spiritual development.
Open to anyone that wants to explore what Unity means to them.


Our topics will include:
â—¦ A brief history of the New Thought and Unity Movements
â—¦ An overview of what Unity is
â—¦ Our five basic spiritual principles, practical applications and resources


After completing this course, students will be able to:
• Briefly describe the milestones in the development of the Unity movement
• Discuss relationship between Unity of New Braunfels, other Unity churches, and the Unity Worldwide
• Name the primary text of Unity
• State the Unity Principles and relate them to their lives.
• Develop a personal spiritual development plan

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