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Personal Exploration
1. Extend kindness to a stranger.
2. Smile sincerely.
3. Let your words be positive.
4. Journal or create a collage of things, quotes and people you love.
Personal Exploration: How can I open to more joy each day?
1. In the mornings, pause and invite joy into your experience.
2. Pray to discover ways to bring joy and light to others.
3. Make a list of joyful moments or write them in your journal.
Personal Exploration
1. Radiate Peace
2. Respond with Peace
3. Encourage Peace
Personal Exploration
1. Pray and Meditate
2. Focus on positive expectations
3. Open to oneness with God
4. Let go of fear and affirm your faith and hope
5. Give thanks for this moment
Personal Exploration
1. Start each day: List 10 things you love.
2. End each day: List 10 things you are grateful for.
Personal Exploration
1. Acceptance: It is as it is.
2. Patience: Be gentle with yourself.
3. Forgive: Let go of anger and resentment.
4. Allow: Honor the process with faith.
Personal Exploration
1. Open your heart with prayer/meditation.
2. Where can you provide loving care?
3. Be of service, take a step.
4. Acknowledge the gifts of service.
Personal Exploration
1. Discern: How are you doing?
2. Success: What's working well?
3. Challenge: What needs improvement?
4. Release: Make space by letting go.
5. Pray/Meditate: Know your next step
Personal Exploration
Communicate clearly
Choose people that inspire you
Invest your energy in a goal
Support others in their process
Personal Exploration: The Needs of Life:
Meaningful relationships
Healthy habits
Healthy food
Fresh drinking water
1. Patience
2. Persistence
3. Perseverance